Welcome to Pytorch-CGX

Pytorch-CGX is a pytorch extension adding a backend for pytorch distributed supporting allreduce of quantized buffers. It supports quantizations of float16, float32 to 1-8 bits.

CGX is based on MPI torch.distributed backend. The extension essentially only replaces allreduce primitive.


export MPI_HOME=/path/to/mpi
export NCCL_HOME=/path/to/nccl
pip install pytorch-cgx

We also provide a Dockerfile that allows to use pytorch-cgx. See install for the installation details.


pytorch-cgx is a plug-in extension for torch.distributed that substantially improves scalability on servers with low-bandwidth inter GPU communication. Keep your training scripts the same, only need to replace torch.distributed backend and launching script. The only changes to the training script using pytorch distributed required are importing the built extension and specifying cgx as torch.distributed.init_process_group backend parameter and setting some environment variables. See usage for the detailed instructions.


import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
import torch_cgx
# set `CGX_COMPRESSION_QUANTIZATION_BITS` to 4 to enable compression.

dist.init_process_group('cgx', init_method='env://', rank=args.local_rank)

Look at the speedup using CGX training on 8xRTX3090 compared to the Nvidia NCCL:

Transformer-XL base

Cloud costs

We checked the prices of moving the training to the cloud. We compared the low-bandwidth servers on Genesis Cloud with 8xRTX3090 gpus and bandwidth over-provisioned servers on AWS with 8 x V100. As the benchmark we chose training of BERT on question-answering task

Instance Price per hour ($) Training cost ($)
Genesis Cloud without CGX 10.4 61.7
AWS 24.5 49.0
Genesis Cloud with CGX 10.4 18.6

See benchmarks for further benchmark details.


If you use this library in your research cite the corresponding paper as follows:

  title={CGX: Adaptive System Support for Communication-Efficient Deep Learning},
  author={Markov, Ilia and Ramezanikebrya, Hamidreza and Alistarh, Dan},
  booktitle={23rd International Middleware Conference (Middleware'22), November 7--11, 2022, Quebec, QC, Canada},